Tuesday, September 7, 2010

1+3+9= The World Is My Mirror

Architecture has the ability to leave psychological effects on the people that occupy them and witness it.

Architecture has the ability to intimidate and it also has the ability to uplift people. Architecture is capable of healing the minds of people after a tragedy but it also has the power to create a new one. Architecture has the ability to show the world what makes being human beautiful and what makes humans monsters.

As a child I was thought to judge the world by how it appeared because that was how the world was going to judge me. Everything from how I dressed to what I ate was a direct reflection on how the world saw me as a person and what I was worth. I one part of that identity that I had no control over, was the place I called home. When I was 10 my parents divorced and we left our house in the suburbs in the Northern California to an apartment complex out side of a very wealthy neighborhood. And when the quality of my housing had lowered so did the expectations on how I turned out as a person. The extended family I had that had been so close to me and visited quiet often simply stopped coming around. My “friends” at the high school I attended treated me as an outsider after the first time they came over and saw where I called home. And I always wanted to ask, “Why does it matter? What does a building or a place have to do with me as a person?” That’s exactly what I’m going to try to figure out. Is there a way to improve the image a lower income housing?

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